5 Ways You Can Use Animated Videos for Your Business


Traditional marketing tactics are no longer in trends or they are no longer successfully serving its purposes. With such a fast-paced society and emerging trends, even marketers now look for new ways to bring focus to their services and products. The ‘classic’ marketing formula is considered the safest one – AIDS (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action), and animated videos fit quite well in this space. Do you love cartoons? Yes! Then you should understand that animated videos have that dynamism needed to seize the attention of your potential customers. Additionally, if created by a professional animated video production company, you can use them ingeniously in any tone – be it funny, informative, professional, or emotional to create an everlasting impression.

Just check out the ways listed here to use your animated videos to improve marketing efforts and increase sales:

Use them as an explainer video
If you brag of excellent services or products but lacks skills to put it in front of your audience, then an animated explainer video is the best way to do so. Such videos are not just innovative but a parcel of appealing visuals that are required to keep your brand at the center and to educate people about your offerings in an interesting way. However, you should have short i.e. not more than 2 minutes explainer videos as they can make an impeccable impression by evoking humor and emotion to engage your customers. As per some statistics, animated explainer videos can increase your sales and leads up to 52%.

Storytelling videos
Animated videos are quite versatile so you can use them to portray stories excitingly with some compelling and flashy characters. Today, storytelling has become an influential business strategy and one of the biggest corporate buzzwords. Even top brands such as Motorola, Microsoft, etc. have used storytelling videos to inspire and make changes. These videos can be used as a case study, for advertising products, branding, or as a professional bio. To have an impressive storytelling video, you can spark the emotional aspect of the mind of your customers, relate your products to them, get your customers engaged with senses, use characters, conversions, curiosity, circumstance, and conflicts, or simply give them what truly matters! But DO NOT GO OFF TRACK.

Video infographics
We have seen a huge shift from READING content to perceiving and now to VISUALS. An Infographic video is not a new term as businesses are already using it. However, to keep your audiences engaged, you should use quick facts in these videos. You can use facts, figures, statistical data, and other crucial information interestingly as people tend to grasp analytics faster. Besides, these infographic videos can also be used to improve your SEO. Simply put, this effective branding tool can be used to make a lasting impact on the mind of your viewers.

Whiteboard animated videos
These videos are referred to as video scribing. With a few sketches and a whiteboard, you can deliver your brand’s message in a few simple creative strokes that could do wonders! It may also cost less but very effective branding tool. With these videos, you can present the complex information of your company in a simple yet powerful illustration and help your customers to dive deep into the details of the product. This will let your viewers engage and interpret the data quickly. Rather than using PPTs, you should go for whiteboard animation to present the actual concept and deliver the brand’s message effectively.

Tutorial Videos
You can also ask your animated video production company to create animated videos in a way that you can use them for tutorial and training purposes. These videos can be used to demonstrate the internal working as well as the process of your products. Using animation in these tutorial videos can be effective as it helps you present the ‘unseen’ phenomenon of your products. Moreover, animated tutorial videos for business can greatly be interesting for your employees as training material.

Summing Up!
So, these are a few impressive ways to use your animated videos but many other ways are also there that you can explore and benefit your business. All you need is a leading and professional animated video production company that can suggest new ideas/concepts and work along with you on the ideas suggested by you.

Original source of article: https://uberant.com/
