4 Reasons Why You Need A Corporate Video Production Strategy

Nowadays, to make their content appealing and target oriented, businesses don’t just rely on written content. Amazing content must lead to conversion and if trends are to be seen, corporate videos are doing just that. But you need to make a amazing corporate video production strategy, you have to cover all of your business bases.

Why You Need A Corporate Video Production Strategy

This is the age of digitalisation since the digital platform is evolving every single day.  Businesses now make use of all the virtual mediums to reach their targeted consumers. Not all love to read blogs, e-brochures or newsletters, considering everyone is short on time and like to receive short, quick yet all-inclusive information. Hence, it is imperative that your messaging in content should be lucrative enough so more users consume it.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqnYw6ieKZM?feature=oembed]
Hence, it is essential for a business to have an effective corporate video production strategy in place. One cannot leave any loopholes here and all bases need to be covered.

Here’s why one needs to have a comprehensive corporate video production strategy

1:- Google supports the video trend

Google acquired Youtube in 2006, and that is when it made a strong connect with videos, considering videos made a huge impact in SEO. Wondering how did the videos popped up in search results? Initially Google integrated just the links of the relevant videos as a part of the search results. It is over the years that it made the entire video show up in the search result. For Example:- A brand that sells cosmetic products has videos uploaded on how to use their products or how effective they are. These videos too would pop up besides their website page. This trend has greatly helped in improving the page rankings of businesses. Thus, it’s  important for the organisations to capitalize on this feature and ensure that the link of their company website is featured in the video itself or in the description segment under the video. Impressed or intrigued upon watching the video, a prospective consumer may want to try out the product.

2:- Ease of Sharing

Sharing videos is an effortless task, and can be done on fingertips, literally! Youtube, Vimeo etc. are amazing platforms for sharing videos. All you need is the link that takes you to the video or the embedded code that is given by the site. Blogs, Insta Pages, Facebook pages, Twitter- are social media platforms where you can share your videos. All you need is a little promotion at the beginning of the launch of the video. This will intern make your target audience spread the word for you, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. Your video will go viral and become popular on search results if shared, liked or commented upon, a couple of times. For it to rank higher, it is essential people actively engage with your videos.

3:- Each one learns differently.

The aim of Corporate Video Production is to create content that educates. It is not an unknown fact that every individual is a different kind of learner. Some grasp information through audio and some by looking at it. Hence, it is essential that your content must cater to different learners with different needs. It does not matter what product or service you are aiming to sell, the end result is to leave your consumer educated and empowered. If you merely write down an explanatory blog or list you are helping only the read-write learners. When you create comprehensive corporate videos you also help auditory and visual learners. If the videos carry easy-to-follow and quick instructions, you also are able to help kinesthetic learners. These are those learners who work along as you instruct in the videos, and always appreciate a more hand-on approach.

4 – It helps you set your goals

Essentially, you need to know why you’re even bothering to create videos in the first place. What kind of audience are you trying to reach? What do you want them to do after taking a look at your content? These answers should drive every decision you make throughout the rest of the process.
Corporate Video Production

Corporate Video Production thus helps your brand to attract and reach many consumers who appreciate appealing content. Videos bring a perfect mix of information, training and entertainment. You can even derive the benefits of transcription here. Transcribe your video into the text format right underneath the video on your blog. The read-write learners will have a reason to rejoice here! Also, this practice would help improve your SEO.
Originally published: http://skittlesproductions.com/blog/
