Backbone of Video Making- Script writing

Videos tell a story! Fun, humorous, educational, inspiring, informative, innovative stories. Videography is an art and the process include plenty of fine aspects and elements. What you see on your screen is the main body of the video. The backbone of this body is the script. It is the script of the video that can make or break it. Like Frank Capra rightly said script writing is the toughest part of the whole racket – the least understood and the least noticed.

So, What Does It Take to Accomplish A Noteworthy Script for Video Making?

Noteworthy Script for Video Making

1: – Conceptualize

It all begins with an idea in your mind before you even pick your pen and start putting your thoughts on paper. It is essential you conceptualize a plot, a theme, the characters, the tone of the video etc. Forming a solid concept mentally is essential before one start working towards it.

2: – Blind Drafts

Not essentially professional ones but blind drafts are super creative. Keep writing them till you reach the end. Don’t look back. These frantically written first blind drafts usually blend reality and imagination perfectly. They capture the essence of the script from the script writers and audience’s point of view, both. Later these blind drafts may require a bit of editing, rewriting and creative enhancement to give them a professional essence.

3: – Stop After the First Draft

After finishing the first crude draft of the script, take a break. Drop the pen and keep the draft aside. Don’t read it yourself, don’t let anyone read it too. You don’t need opinions or feedback at this stage. Staying away from your drafted script gives the much-required break to your mind and creativity. It cleanses your thoughts, gives you clarity of ideas and helps you get rid of any negativity that the script has brought to you. After a day when you return to your script, return as a reader. As a mere reader. Don’t read it to make notes. Read it for entertainment. Here is when, with a reader’s mindset, you will be able to best judge your own script and work towards improving and bettering it!

4: – Be Your Critic

Now that you have read your script thoroughly, it is time to take over the role of a rewriter. Step out of your identity as the original writer of the script and criticize your work. Be objective and look out for every minuscule flaw or shortcoming in the script. Work and rework on it till every word on your script echoes the hard-work and passion that has gone into it.

5: – Present the Final Work

Once your finished product is ready, show it to others. Seek genuine feedback. Present your final script to your friends or colleagues from various backgrounds, having different personalities and tastes. Let them share truthful, unflattering reviews. Club their feedback and incorporate the necessary changes in your script!
Video Making

Some easy hacks and your iconic script are ready! After all script writing is all about molding and crafting your thoughts and ideas intelligently to give life to your imagination.
